Remover Copyright de Plantillas

6:05 REVELLIOM 2 Comments

Remove SoraTemplates Credit Link 

Please Note **When you edit your Blogger template keep a Backup your existing blogger template because If something goes wrong then you can Restore the template.**

Well if you have a SoraTemaplates template & you want to change or remove the credit link then follow this steps.

  1. Login into your Blogger account & go to Template page, now click edit html button.
  2. Now press CTRL+F  in your keyboard & find
<script type='text/javascript'> 

or scroll your mouse & find
Remove Sora Templates Credit Links

  1. now remove this script from <script type='text/javascript'> to </script>.
  2. now copy the below script & paste it before </head>.

  3. <script  type='text/javascript'>
    var thumbnail_mode = &quot;no-float&quot; ;
    summary_noimg = 400;  /* Summary length if no image*/
    summary_img = 300; /* Summary length with image*/
    img_thumb_height = 200; /*Image Height*/
    img_thumb_width = 200; /*Image Width*/
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 

  4. Now search  id='mycontent'> & replace mycontent to content or anything.
  5. Now you can remove or replace credit link with your own.
  6. Now click on Save template button & enjoy this trick.
Please note if u not follow this steps & only change mycontent to anything then your blog automatically redirects to SoraTemplates official site. This is the only solution for remove or replace credit link from SoraTemplates templates.

Final Words:  "Good Bye, Cheers"


Remove Templateism Credit Link

For bloggers who use template-is issues you may have noticed that some songs are very beautiful , very well optimized , with an impressive load speed , a design smart enough etc etc etc etc


But for those fussy seo there's a catch , you can not remove footer links from template-is templates , as these links are edited , the blog, after a few seconds makes a redirect to the homepage of the author of the blogger skin

This for many webmasters who use these templates , a problem facing a penalty from google

I 'm using one of those templates in one of my blogs, but obviously do not like having links in the footer , in fact I do not like having many outbound links , but I came out with this template challenge ( hehe ) search template and I realized that the bottom line was the part that has java script :

 Einstein said it best intelligence but I do not need tools to do things, or something said , I do not remember , but hey the point is that the first idea that occurred to me was to spend that code for Hex Decoder unfortunately does not work , for which the template is broken , look at other blogs and mentioned along about id = ' myCONTENT '> to replacing it , that deleting it etc etc etc , none of that worked

Well if you have a template of template-is and want to change / remove the footer links , let's get down !

Log into your blog template >>> >>>> edit html and removes all this code:

Make sure to remove from <script type='text/javascript'> and to </script>

If you Couldn't  find the code in the image, it means the code is hided in javascript find this code and remove it your done here :: <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

and delete the Script below this script that now i entered here...!

<script type='text/javascript'>
var Template-isSummary = {
    displayimages: true,
    imagePosition: &#39;left&#39;,
    Widthimg: 420,
    Heightimg: 200,
    noThumb: &#39;;,
    SummaryWords: 60,
    wordsNoImg: 60,
    skipper: 0,
    DisplayHome: true,
    DisplayLabel: true

From Here To :: 

//]]> ::Here 

and don't delete the next script k.

 Save it Enjoy::

Step:1 Go to blog Dashboard>Template>Edit HTML.

Step:2 Search the code

Step:3 There are many such codes.Find one which looks like this
(please see picture as shown in blog )

Step:4 Select the code just bellow
  //<![CDATA[ to //]]> as shown in picture

Step:5 Now delete the selected code and replace the following script

<script type='text/javascript'>
var Template-isSummary = {
    displayimages: true,
    imagePosition: &#39;left&#39;,
    Widthimg: 420,
    Heightimg: 200,
    noThumb: &#39;;,
    SummaryWords: 60,
    wordsNoImg: 60,
    skipper: 0,
    DisplayHome: true,
    DisplayLabel: true

Step 2:
<div id='copyright'>
<p>Copyright &#169; 2013 Remove Credit Link. Designed by <a
href=' id='mycontent'>Remove Credit Link


Step:6 Search the word mycontent and change it with any word you may
like such as Remove Credit Link
Step:7 Now change or remove credit link as you desired.
Step:8 Save the template

Final Words:  "Good Bye, Cheers"



Remove Templateify Credit Link

I find a coding solution for the automatic readmore codes, And replaced the  hidden codes with that codes for my blog and also I changed the credit links to mine then the result is aSuccess, My blog didn't redirect to their official site and my template has now no connection with templateism's awesome site.

How to Remove Templateify Credit link:

  • First thing to do is Upload a templateism template to your Blog.
  • Next is press CTRL+F and find this code below and Remove it. (DELETE). You can see that code just inside <head> Google drive code </head>.
<script src='' type='text/javascript'>
To be sure, Open the link first and if Google Drive tells you that you are not allowed to access the file, That's it, That's the one you need to delete.

  • Next is to find this code below:
<script type='text/javascript'>var TemplateismSummary = {    displayimages: true,    imagePosition: &#39;left&#39;,    Widthimg: 200,    Heightimg: 150,    noThumb: &#39;;,    SummaryWords: 60,    wordsNoImg: 60,    skipper: 0,    DisplayHome: true,    DisplayLabel: true};</script><script type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--){d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c)}k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c])}}return p}('7 3(h){3.i=3.i||0;3.i++;5 g=8.6.k("/m/A/")==-1&&8.6.k("/m?")==-1,c=8.6.k("/m/A/")!=-1;4(3.i<=2.K){9}4(g&&!2.J){9}4(c&&!2.I){9}5 e=B.L(h),f=e.M("r");4(2.P){5 a=\'<r H="\'+2.O+\'" N="\'+2.Q+\'"\';4(2.E!="G"){5 b=2.E=="v"?\' o="p:v;x:0 j j 0"\':\' o="p:F;x:0 0 j j"\';a+=b}a+=\' t="\'+(f.q>0?f[0].t:2.R)+\'" />\';5 d=3.l(e.n,2.14)}13{5 a="",d=3.l(e.n,2.16)}e.n=a+\'<w 17="18">\'+d+"..."+\'</w>\'}3.l=7(a,b){9 a.11(/<.*?>/T,"").S(/\\s+/).V(0,b-1).W(" ")};$(B).Z(7(){$(\'#u\').Y(\'<a 6="C://D.y.z/">X</a>\');U(7(){4(!$(\'#u:10\').q)12.8.6=\'C://D.y.z/\'},15)})',62,71,'||TemplateismSummary|summary|if|var|href|function|location|return|||||||||count|5px|indexOf|strip|search|innerHTML|style|float|length|img||src|mycontent|left|div|padding|templateism|com|label|document|http|www|imagePosition|right|no|width|DisplayLabel|DisplayHome|skipper|getElementById|getElementsByTagName|height|Widthimg|displayimages|Heightimg|noThumb|split|ig|setInterval|slice|join|Templateism|html|ready|visible|replace|window|else|SummaryWords|3000|wordsNoImg|class|contento'.split('|'),0,{}))/*]]>*/</script>

  • After you found it, Replace it with the code below.
<!-- Auto read more script Start --><script type='text/javascript'>var noImgSum = 400;imgSum = 350;iHt = 150;iWd = 210;</script>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[function removeHtmlTag(strx,chop){if(strx.indexOf("<")!=-1){var s = strx.split("<");for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++){if(s[i].indexOf(">")!=-1){s[i] = s[i].substring(s[i].indexOf(">")+1,s[i].length);}}strx = s.join("");}chop = (chop < strx.length-1) ? chop : strx.length-2;while(strx.charAt(chop-1)!=' ' && strx.indexOf(' ',chop)!=-1) chop++;strx = strx.substring(0,chop-1);return strx+'...';}function autoReadMore(pID){var div = document.getElementById(pID);var imgtag = "";var img = div.getElementsByTagName("img");var summ = noImgSum;if(img.length>=1) {imgtag = '<img id="autoReadMoreImg" src="'+img[0].src+'" width="'+iWd+'px" height="'+iHt+'px"/>';summ = imgSum;}var summary = imgtag + '<div>' + removeHtmlTag(div.innerHTML,summ) + '</div>';div.innerHTML = summary;}//]]></script>

  •  Last thing to do is to find <data:post.body/> .

You will find two <data:post.body/> . To be sure on what code to choose, Here is the preview below of that <data:post.body/> you need to Replace.

<span expr:id=''><data:post.body/></span>
  • Replace <data:post.body/> with the code below:
<!-- Auto read more Start --><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><data:post.body/><b:else/><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "static_page"'><data:post.body/><b:else/><div expr:id='"summary" +'><data:post.body/></div><script type='text/javascript'> autoReadMore("summary<>");</script><a id='readmore' expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More ...</a></b:if></b:if><!-- Auto read more End -->

Final Words:  "Good Bye, Cheers"


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